A powerful brand identity, proven concept, competitively priced start-up costs, refreshed menu every week, consistently delivering great products with exceptional service, comprehensive training programs, innovative marketing and hands-on operational support are just a few of the reasons Thegrilltheory franchise holds a dominant position in the Market.
Thegrilltheory franchise support system is based on years of industry experience in franchisee education, product research and development, site developing, and supply chain and design. We are strongly committed to ensuring that Club10Chicken franchise owners have the support they need to operate best-in-class restaurants.
we are now offering Club10Chicken franchise ownership / partnering opportunities in all major cities in India. To know more, get in touch with us.
Phone Number
Tamil Nadu: 96000 49276
Andhra/ Telugana: 63850 44483
Low Investment High Profit
Wide Range of Menu Tea varieties, Snacks, Sandwiches, Sprouts.